General Terms and Service Agreement                                                                     back to “PRICING” to get started!

The organization or person the Glory House Network contracting for broadcasting/streaming, television time covered by this agreement hereof (herein after referred to as CLIENT) and the GLORY HOUSE NETWORK (hereinafter referred to as NETWORK) hereby agree that this agreement shall be governed by the following terms and conditions:
1. As used herein, the word “CLIENT” shall refer to any programmer or advertiser that is entering into this agreement and shall refer collectively to any Agency that is entering into this contract on behalf of itself and/or any principal or any number of principals.
2 NETWORK will bill “CLIENT” on a prepaid recurring payment monthly basis, unless CLIENT prepays 6 months to 1 year. CLIENT agrees that every sum due and owing to NETWORK shall be paid to NETWORK on the date specified upon the date of the transaction of CLIENT chosen package and package terms. NETWORK has the right to sell the airtime of accounts past due ONCE SERVICE HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED without notice. There are no refunds. If the NETWORK has not received the CLIENT’S recurring payment after 15 days of actual payment date, due to payment card or payment gateway processing denial, the client will receive notice of service interruption.
3. If the CLIENT chooses TO CANCEL SERVICE, CLIENT must notify NETWORK immediately to cancel anytime, upon receipt of notice CLIENT’S service will be cancelled on date of notice reception, after cancellation CLIENT’S timeslot would become available to sell to new clients.
4. If the CLIENT ceases all communication with NETWORK in their attempt to collect any debt owed, NETWORK will continue to charge the CLIENT’s authorized card on file until debt is satisfied.
5. CLIENT agrees to hold NETWORK harmless from any loss, damage, or expense including attorney fees resulting from any claim of music performing rights violation, copyright infringement, defamation, publicity right violation, or invasion of privacy predicted upon the contents of any CLIENT’S announcements or program.
6. If you schedule a live event and need to cancel, you must do so within 24 hours before the day and time of your scheduled test broadcast, and your payment will be fully refunded.
7. NETWORK shall have the right to delete any portion of any announcement or program that in its judgment may contravene government regulations or any codes, standards, practices, or contract terms or which may expose NETWORK to risk or lawsuit, or which may violate any of NETWORK’S standards and practices.
8. NETWORK reserves the right to change or cancel the scheduled time of any program or announcement or portion thereof covered by this contract in order to telecast any program which, in its absolute discretion, it deems to be of public signification. In any case, NETWORK will notify CLIENT within two business days after such scheduled telecast has been canceled. If CLIENT and NETWORK cannot agree upon a satisfactory substitute day and time, the telecast time so pre-empted shall be deemed canceled and CLIENT shall be credited for pre-empted telecast. NETWORK, however, is not responsible for programs or announcements not arriving to the NETWORK by less than 48 hours before airtime when CLIENT is delivering content. In such case, CLIENT shall be responsible for the payment of said airtime if telecast is not at NETWORK one week before airtime and telecast does not air.
9. NETWORK does not own the rights to any content or media productions submitted by CLIENT, NETWORK only owns the rights to content or media it produces for CLIENT, whether through NETWORK studio, equipment, or live events.
10. NETWORK is permitted to use CLIENT’s media content, images, videos, name to promote the CLIENT as well as the NETWORK itself.
11. NETWORK shall not be responsible for damages, if for reasons beyond it’s control (such as public emergency, governmental order, acts of God, labor disputes, force majeure, mechanical or electronic breakdown, etc.) it fails to broadcast the CLIENT’s spot announcement or programs in accordance with this agreement. NETWORK shall not for any reason be held accountable for any loss or expense, even if NETWORK has been advised of that possibility. Failure of either the audio or video signal, but not both shall entitle CLIENT to a reasonable reduction in the time charges herein.
12. NETWORK and CLIENT shall each have the right to terminate this agreement immediately upon notice to the other party, except for ”cause”, whereupon termination may be effective immediately “Cause” is defined as failure to comply with any term or condition stated herein, as determined at sole discretion. CLIENT is responsible for cancelling their agreement. If CLIENT does not cancel their agreement, it will automatically renew.
13. NETWORK obligations herein are subject to the terms and conditions of licenses held by it and the NETWORK and to applicable Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations.
14. This contract contains the agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter herein contained, and no change or modification of any of its terms and provisions shall be effective without notice.
15. Programming for accounts which are delinquent for more than 30 days, will be pulled from the schedule immediately and re-scheduled only after account has been brought up to date. CLIENT is still responsible for payment when show is pulled for non- payment. Furthermore, if your account should become delinquent for more than 60 days all outstanding balances will be turned over to a collection agency.